Empirical Research in Education
For the future, the Centre for Empirical Research in Education is planning to continue and extend its ongoing coordinated research programmes and develop activities directed at training young researchers and raising the profile of Empirical Educational Research as a Main Research Area on a national and international level. This will include continuing to support young scientists in organizing stays abroad and participating in conferences at which they can present their findings to a national and international audience and consolidating the possibilities for supporting young scientists in securing third-party funds. The workshop on active writing and discussion of DFG proposals mentioned above will be offered once a year through the ZeB in future.
Empirical Educational Research is also set to broaden its scope in terms of content. Science Didactics and Educational Sciences, for example, are looking to cooperate with the science disciplines. A number of dissertations are already being overseen jointly by a supervisor from the relevant discipline and from Didactics. These kinds of cooperation and connections suggest a further research priority for the future, which follows professional training of prospective teachers and Bachelor’s degree graduates at the University. A further aim is to accompany teachers beyond university and assess their professional knowledge. Projects such as ProWin or BilWiss, which also examine training of student teachers, are already working in this area and will be addressed in other research projects in future.