Faculty of Educational Sciences
In a national comparison of faculties in the educational sciences, the Faculty is showing itself to be particularly strong in research. This was also very much reflected in the current DFG Funding Atlas for the year 2015, in which the University of Duisburg-Essen occupied second place in the rankings for the subject “Educational sciences/educational research” (first position in the 2012 Funding Atlas), an achievement which owes a great deal to the Faculty and some of the University’s professors for subject didactics. The aim over the coming years is to retain and expand this research strength. A further challenge will be to raise the international visibility of the research, particularly in the form of publications in peer-reviewed journals which are listed in relevant international literature databases (such as the SSCI). Alongside international visibility, the focus in the next few years will also be on maintaining the gratifyingly high regional visibility that the Faculty enjoys on the basis of application-oriented projects of relevance to the region. One final emphasis to be stated for the coming years is the fostering of up-and-coming academic research talent. About 100 doctoral students are currently registered in the Faculty, just over half of which are women. As well as the individual support which is provided, the Faculty also has a “dokForum” in place, which offers extensive assistance with regard to content, methodology and organisation, as well as in respect of national and international networking.