
Cooperation and International News

CENIDE continued to extend its (inter)national cooperation in 2012 and 2013:

  • A new series of the revered Gordon Research Conferences has been launched on CENIDE’s initiative. The successful first conference, on the subject of “Nanomaterials for Applications in Energy Technology”, was held in February 2013 in Ventura (USA).
  • SFB 616 organised the 5th international “Energy Dissipation at Surfaces” workshop in Bonn.
  • Three NRW junior researcher groups have been set up in cooperation with Osram GmbH, the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Max-Planck-Institut für chemische Energiekonversion in Mülheim.
  • The seven-week “CENIDE Nano Summer ­Program” has already been held successfully twice with participants from 17 countries. SFB 616 also organised a summer school in 2012.
  • In November 2013 the eminent materials researcher Prof. Yi Cui of Stanford University was a guest of the the UDE as Scientist in Residence at CENIDE’s invitation. Existing ties with the guest professor were strengthened during the visit in lectures, symposia and talks.
  • Workshops on the subject of “Nanomaterials for Energy Applications” with the University of Tsukuba (Japan) have already been held at the UDE (2012) and in Tsukuba (2013). The partner programme for nanoscientists between the two universities is funded by the DAAD.
  • The “NanoArt” exhibition of fascinating photos from the CENIDE research groups is continuing its successful journey around the world. Following New York it has been in Recife (Brazil), Moscow (Russia), Chicago (USA) and Dresden (Germany) over the past two years.
  • Prof. Michael Farle was elected to the newly established Research Council of the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr).
  • This list naturally gives only a small insight into the many collaborations taking place under the CENIDE umbrella. It is not possible in the present format to mention all cooperation of individual groups.