Selection of currently funded coordinated projects
The following list contains just a selection of the many projects coordinated by CENIDE members or in which they are taking part:
- EU project “Better Upscaling and Optimization of Nanoparticle and Nanostructure Production by Means of Electrical Discharges –
- BUONAPART-E” (2012–2016)
- DFG SFB 616 “Energy Dissipation at Surfaces” (2002–2013)
- Various DFG Priority Programmes (SPP)
- Ziel2 project “NanoEnergieTechnikZentrum, NETZ” (2009–2013)
- DFG “Interdisciplinary Center for Analytics on the Nanoscale – ICAN” Core Facility (2013–2016)
- BMBF “INNOKAT” project (2013–2017)
- BMBF “NaKoLiA” project (2012–2014)
- BMBF “nanoGEM” project (2011–2013)
- MERCUR “NanoSiLiKat” project (2013–2015)
- MERCUR project “Smart Materials from Ionic Liquids for Energy – SMILE” (2012–2014).