Essen College of Gender Studies
On 2 October 2011, journalist, filmmaker and sociologist Dr. Sibylle Plogstedt was awarded the “einheitspreis 2011” German unification citizens’ award in the “People – Agents of the Unification” category by the Federal Agency for Civic Education. She received the award for her book “Knastmauke – Das Schicksal von politischen Häftlingen der DDR nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung” on the fate of prisoners of conscience in the GDR after German reunification. An important scientific foundation of the book is a survey conducted in cooperation with the EKfG in 2007–2010 on the social situation of former prisoners of conscience in the GDR taking the gender aspect into account.
In 2011, Dr. Mona Motakef was accepted as a member of the second “Global Young Faculty”, an initiative of Stiftung Mercator in cooperation with the University Alliance Metropolis Ruhr (UAMR), as well as a member of the eighth multiuniversity programme “ProFil” for executive training in science of the TU Berlin, the HU Berlin, the FU Berlin and the University of Potsdam.