Essen College of Gender Studies
The EKfG is part of a national and international research network. Through ongoing research projects and participation of its members in various scientific committees, the College cooperates with numerous partner institutions in and outside Europe. In the frame of joint EU projects these include the Universities of Lisbon, Rennes, Gothenburg, Oxford, Warwick, King’s College London, Torino and Utrecht. EKfG members are also active in the International Research Universities Network (IRUN) Network of Female Professors and the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS. Cooperation worldwide includes the Japanese Excellence Cluster “Gender Equality and Multicultural Conviviality” under the leadership of the University of Tokyo, with Harvard University among the collaborators.
At national level, the Committee of Women’s and Gender Studies Institutions in Germanspeaking areas (KEG), the Gender Studies Association Gender e. V., founded in 2010, and the Women’s & Gender Research Network NRW with Professor Anne Schlüter as its speaker are among the College’s institutional cooperation partners.
Funded by the Ministry for Innovation, Science, Research and Technology of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the College is currently establishing an interdisciplinary expert network for gender research in healthcare in NRW. The intention is to systematically collect and make visible the findings of basic research in NRW and to contribute to research networking.