Research at the Institute of Protestant Theology is historical, methodological, systematic, and empirical. In 2007, Prof. Aaron Schart commenced work on a historical and critical commentary on the Old Testament book of Malachi. The work is due to appear in print in 2011. Internationally, Prof. Schart is one of the pioneers of conceptual and practical developments in the implementation of e-learning methods in the humanities; in this context, a new monograph on the methodology of biblical exegesis is currently in preparation. The main focus of the systematic theological work of Prof. Heiko Schulz lies in the translation, re-editing, and commentary of the texts of the Danish philosopher and religious author Sören Kierkegaard. The publication of the first twovolumes of the Deutsche Sören Kierkegaard Edition (DSKE), which is based on the critical edition of the complete works by the Copenhagen Kierkegaard Research Center, was sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The Carl Friedrich Siemens Foundation (Munich) is financing nine follow-up editions to appear by 2014. The ongoing book project on children's theology in practice and research work on religious pedagogy pursued by Prof. Thorsten Knauth both centre on (qualitative) empirical classroom teaching. Since 2006, Prof. Knauth has been working as researchmanager and co-project manager on a European research project funded by the EU on the theme of “Religion in Education. A Contribution to Dialogue or a Factor of Conflict in Transforming Societies of European Countries (ReDCo). A further international research proposal, “Religious and Cultural Diversity in Education. Opportunities and Constraints of Education for Tolerance (ReDTol), has been submitted for EU sponsorship.