Mercator School of Management
While the faculty was set up to be strongly practice-based when it was founded as part of the former Comprehensive University of Duisburg, it has transformed itself over the past 40 years into a faculty that is a key contributor to the world of research. In addition to the natural collaborations in applied science and projects with projects providing practical experience, the MSM’s current target figures for research also include excellent publications and ambitious, externally-funded research. In terms of development and size, the MSM has been able to achieve outstanding results in the research rankings in recent years – a trend that is set to continue in the future.
Further new developments at the MSM in the recent past include a surge in the additional research areas of Operations Research and Logistics, in addition to East Asian Economics. Key points of contact in this area are the university chairs Prof. Alf Kimms, Prof. Jochen Gönsch and Prof. Michael Manitz, as well as the chairs Prof. Torsten J. Gerpott and Prof. Peter Chamoni in the wider sphere. The Operations Research and Logistics branch is also a part of the UDE’s Main Research Area of Urban Systems. The MSM aims to further develop this research focus into an additional future research focus in the years to come medium and long-term.