Empirical Educational Research


In the course of its evaluation of the main research area of Empirical Research in Education, the research commission stated in 2014 that educational research should continue to be a prominent feature of the UDE profile given its major political significance to society and further areas should be incorporated in it. Consequently, the former main research area is now to be given a permanent footing as the Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Research (IZfB), which will provide a solid scientific basis for educational issues in research and development. 

Following in the long and successful tradition of educational research at the UDE, the institution will offer colleagues working with different theoretical and methodological approaches in various faculties and institutions a broadly based coordinating and supporting framework for more intensive exchange and new research collaborations. The structural and long-term consolidation of this area will also generate scientific findings for reforms in the education sector. In a region heavily affected by structural change, the job of developing educational approaches to support learning and development inside and outside of educational institutions, with due consideration for current social conditions, takes on a special significance.