Selected Awards and Distinctions
Prof. Florian Coulmas received the “Language and Society Distinguished Career Award 2018” at the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology 2018.
Dr. Lea Elsässer was awarded the 2018 Journal Article Prize of the Society of Friends and Former Associates of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies for the article “‘Dem Deutschen Volke’? Die ungleiche Responsivität des Bundestags” (To the German people? The unequal responsiveness of the Bundestag), published in Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 27(2), 2017, 161–180.
Prof. Achim Goerres was a Research Fellow of the Open Society Initiative Europe at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (2016–2017).
Jonas Klingworth received the “Student Paper Competition Award 2018” of the Scientific Committee of the BigSurv18 conference (Big Data Meets Survey Science) for the article “Capture-recapture Techniques for Transport Survey Estimate Adjustment Using Road Sensor Data”, together with Dr. Bart Buelens and Professor Rainer Schnell.
Daniel Obst received the 2017 Kurt Rothschild Award for Economic Journalism and Research of the Karl Renner Institute and the SPÖ-Parlamentsklub.
Dr. Ilka Sommer was awarded the 2017 Augsburg Academic Prize for Intercultural Studies of the University of Augsburg, the City of Augsburg and the Forum interkulturelles Leben und Lernen e.V. for her dissertation.