Selected Publications
Geisel, M.H., M. Bauer, F. Hennig, B. Hoffmann, N. Lehmann, S. Möhlenkamp S, K. Kröger, K. Kara, T. Müller, S. Moebus, R. Erbel, A. Scherag, K.H. Jöckel, A.A. Mahabadi (2017): Comparison of coronary artery calcification, carotid intima-media thickness and ankle-brachial index for predicting 10-year incident cardiovascular events in the general population. Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Eur Heart J 38, 1815–1822.
Engler, H., P. Brendt, J. Wischermann, A. Wegner, R. Röhling, T. Schoemberg, U. Meyer, R. Gold, J. Peters, S. Benson, M. Schedlowski (2017): Selective increase of cerebrospinal fluid IL-6 during experimental systemic inflammation in humans: association with depressive symptoms. Mol Psychiatry. 2017; doi: 10.1038/mp.2016.264.
Herrlinger, U., T. Tzaridis, F. Mack, J. Steinbach, U. Schlegel, M. Sabel, P. Hau, R.D. Kortmann, D. Krex, O. Grauer, R. Goldbrunner, O. Schnell, O. Baehr, M. Uhl, C. Seidel, G. Tabatabai, T. Kowalski, F. Ringel, F. Schmidt-Graf, B. Suchorska, S. Brehmer, A. Weyerbrock, M. Renovanz, L. Bullinger, N. Galldiks, P. Vajkoczy, M. Misch, M. Vatter, M. Stuplich, N. Schäfer, S. Kebir, J. Weller, C. Schaub, W. Stummer, J.C. Tonn, M. Simon, V. Keil, M. Nelles, M. Coenen, W. Wick, M. Weller, R. Fimmers, M. Schmid, E. Hattingen, C. Coch, M. Glas (2017): Phase III trial of CCNU/temozolomide (TMZ) combination therapy vs. standard TMZ therapy for newly diagnosed MGMT-methylated glioblastoma patients: the randomized, open-label CeTeG/NOA-09 trial. Lancet. [in press]
Kalkavan, H., P. Sharma, S. Kasper, I. Helfrich, A.A. Pandyra, A. Gassa, I. Virchow, L. Flatz, T. Brandenburg, S. Namineni, M. Heikenwalder, B. Höchst, P.A. Knolle, G. Wollmann, D. von Laer, I. Drexler, J. Rathbun, P.M. Cannon, S. Scheu, J. Bauer, J. Chauhan, D. Häussinger, G. Willimsky, M. Löhning, D. Schadendorf, S. Brandau, M. Schuler, P.A. Lang, K.S. Lang (2017): Spatiotemporally restricted arenavirus replication induces immune surveillance and type I interferon-dependent tumour regression.Nat Commun. 8 (14447). doi: 10.1038/ncomms14447.
Klein, J.C., K. Moses, G. Zelinskyy, S. Sody, J. Buer, S. Lang, I. Helfrich, U. Dittmer, C.J. Kirschning, S. Brandau (2017): Combined toll-like receptor 3/7/9 deficiency on host cells results in T-cell-dependent control of tumour growth. Nat Commun. 8 (14600). doi: 10.1038/ncomms14600.
Kleinbongard, P., G. Amanakis, A. Skyschally, G. Heusch (2018): Reflection of cardioprotection by remote ischemic perconditioning in attenuated ST-segment elevation during ongoing coronary occlusion in pigs: Evidence for cardioprotection from ischemic injury. Circ Res 122:1102-1108.
Nasralla, D., C.C. Coussios, H. Mergental, M.Z. Akhtar, A.J. Butler, C.D.L. Ceresa, V. Chiocchia, S.J. Dutton, J.C. García-Valdecasas, N. Heaton, C. Imber, W. Jassem, I. Jochmans, J. Karani, S.R. Knight, P. Kocabayoglu, M. Malagò, D. Mirza, P.J. Morris, A. Pallan, A. Paul , M. Pavel, M.T.P.R. Perera, J. Pirenne, R. Ravikumar, L. Russell, S. Upponi, C.J.E. Watson, A. Weissenbacher, R.J. Ploeg, P.J. Friend, Consortium for Organ Preservation in Europe (2018): A randomized trial of normothermic preservation in liver transplantation. Nature. 557(7703), 50–56. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0047-9.
Radtke, S., J.E. Adair, M.A. Giese, Y.-Y. Chan, Z.K. Norgaard, M. Enstrom, K.G. Haworth, L.E. Schefter, H.-P. Kiem† (2017): Stem Cells – A distinct hematopoietic stem cell population for rapid multilineage engraftment in nonhuman primates Science Translational Medicine 9(114), eaan1145 DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aan1145.
Schadendorf, D., A.C.J. van Akkooi, C. Berking, K.G. Griewank, R. Gutzmer, A. Hauschild, A. Stang, A. Roesch, S. Ugurel (2018): Melanoma. Lancet. 392 (10151), 971–984. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)31559-9. Review.
Weniger, M.A., E. Tiacci, S. Schneider, J. Arnolds, S. Rüschenbaum, J. Duppach, M. Seifert, C. Döring, M.L. Hansmann, R. Küppers (2018): Human CD30+ B cells represent a unique subset related to Hodgkin lymphoma cells. J Clin Invest. 128 (7), 2996–3007. doi: 10.1172/JCI95993.