Awards and Distinctions
The EU Commission appointed Hermann Josef Abs to the European Education and Training Expert Panel in 2018, where he will collaborate on preparation of a future European framework concept for education.
The “Open Sunday” project (Ulf Gebken) was awarded the Essener Solidaritätspreis (2,500 €) in 2018 by Thyssen-Krupp AG and the health insurance Novitas BKK.
The “Kicking Girls” project (Ulf Gebken) received the 50,000-€ UEFA Children Award in 2018.
Katja Grundig de Vazquez received the poster prize (“honorable mentioning”) in 2018 at the World Congress of the World Education Research Association for the project proposal “An international educational correspondent network – The correspondence of Wilhelm Rein (1847–1929) as an access to an International History of Education”.
Emra Ilgün-Birhimeoglu received the Diversity Award in 2017 in the “Research” category for her dissertation entitled “Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund und freiwilliges Engagement: Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Teilhabechancen in Vereinen im Spannungsfeld von Migration und Geschlecht” on women from a migrant background and volunteering.
Katharina Neuber won a “DUE-Mobil” scholarship in 2017 for a stay abroad in Australia.
Helena Sträter and Mirko Krüger received the Diversity Award (1,000 €) in 2018 in the “Teaching” category for the innovative teaching and learning concept they developed and implemented in cooperation with the Franz-Sales-Haus in Essen.
Natalie Pape won the Sparkasse Essen science award (5,000 €) in 2018 for outstanding academic achievement in her dissertation.