Sustainability and Transfer
The Faculty is active in the above-mentioned areas. Prof. Belke’s main research interests are the sustainability of governance structures in the eurozone, international monetary policy, and international financial markets. In his capacity as holder of the Jean Monnet Chair, he is simultaneously heavily involved in transfer (policy consulting to the European Parliament, European Commission, NRW State Chancellery, the UK House of Lords, etc., media, citizen events in connection with his membership of Team Europe, Europe Direct, EU Citizens’ Dialogue, etc.).
Prof. Kiesel is working with colleagues (Profs. Goerres and Niederberger) from the interdisciplinary research cluster “Transformation of Contemporary Societies” on a project funded by the Funk Foundation (Hamburg) called “Big risks: perception, management and neuralgic societal risks in the 21st century”. This interdisciplinary project looks at major risks facing society, such as demographic and climate change, from the perspectives of political sociology, practical philosophy and financial mathematics.
In a study to produce the medium-term prognosis for nationwide electricity generation by power plants subsidised under Germany’s Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) for the 2019–2023 period (“Mittelfristprognose zur deutschlandweiten Stromerzeugung aus EEG geförderten Kraftwerken für die Kalenderjahre 2019 bis 2023”), Prof. Weber was responsible for determining the amount of electricity generated from renewable sources for the coming years, and for 2019 in particular. The prognosis is based on an estimate of the future installed capacity of renewable energy sources and is used to calculate the payments due to EEG-subsidised plants.
As part of a BMBF-funded project to build a technical private vocational training centre in Tunisia (“OpporTUNIty”), Prof. Zelewski has developed a model for a vocational training concept for skilled technical professions in Tunisia. Over the course of the project, the pilot measures will be implemented to build, operate, evaluate and develop an economically viable vocational training centre.
Prof. Ahlemann’s research group has meanwhile put its expertise in strategic IT management to work in the City of Duisburg’s “Smart City” initiative. Working with the city administration and municipal companies, it developed strategies and organisational concepts for the initiative and monitored their implementation. In total, four doctoral students are working long term in connection with the city of Duisburg on digital transformation issues.