Health Care Management
The team of the Chair of Health Care Management, Professor Jürgen Wasem and a current 28 research associates and student assistants, work in four Working Groups (AGs) on management questions relating to the provision of health care services. A focus in the Health Economic Evaluation and Outcome Research working group is on examining the effectiveness and economic efficiency of interventions in the health care process to improve the quality of delivery. Several projects in different medical fields are being funded here by the German Innovation Fund for the health system. The Hospital Management working group is involved in a major project commissioned by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) to review the nationwide staffing situation in psychiatric hospitals. It is also working with the RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research to explore more thoroughly the subject of hospital charges and fixed costs. The Health Policy and Health System group is working in several research projects on questions relating to the development of out-patient doctors’ fees. The Bertelsmann Stiftung, for example, is supporting a study to explore the effects of the different doctors’ fees that apply to patients with private or statutory health insurance. In collaboration with the Health Technology Assessment and Systematic Reviews working group, and as part of the Leibniz Science Campus Ruhr, the Health Policy group is also looking at preferences among the population for health care services in sparsely populated rural areas, where it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the level of access to services provided to date.