Computer science (ICB)
The Faculty has expanded its sphere of academic competence in computer science. Its software engineering group continues to be an important player in international top-level research, focusing on the main fields that attract public funding. The research expertise in this field is pooled in paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology. The Faculty’s various departments carry out outstanding research in important sub-disciplines of network engineering, such as communication networks, modelling, network security and application security. They were also able to expand their empirical research activities in computer science education. In the field of software engineering, the departments of the ICB have developed a range of construction and analysis processes that allow engineers to develop complex software for sophisticated applications, manage its deployment and achieve the quality required. The international renown of the software-based work is reflected in the large number of international and national conferences organised by professors of the ICB. Large volumes of competitive external funding have been awarded to the software engineering research, in particular. Members of the ICB have also won several best-paper awards.