
The manipulation of materials and processes on the nanoscale is thought to hold enormous development potential. Yet in most areas there has been little implementation in practical applications and products to date. The NanoEnergieTechnikZentrum (NETZ) was established to advance implementation of this technology; the task of NETZ will therefore consist in developing stages of process engineering to convert nanoeffects into functional materials. The emphasis lies on the materials and processes for generating and storing energy. Possible applications include the manufacture of fuel cells and solar cells, solar hydrogen production, and lithium ion batteries, as well as lightweight construction, insulation, and weight reduction.
Building on the available expertise in the area of nanoanalytics and high-resolution microscopy, a centre for analysis at nanoscale level is also planned. The "Interdisciplinary Center for Analytics on the Nanoscale" (ICAN), as it will be known, will use innovative high-resolution analytical methods to investigate the connection between structure and function and gain the necessary understanding for practical implementation in synthesis.