Business Administration and Economics
“Analysing and shaping global markets and enterprises is very much a keynote of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. The globalisation of recent years would have been unthinkable without the tremendous advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) at the same time as the worldwide deregulation of markets. Technology transfer is accelerated, the boundaries of national economies dissolve, and the competitive pressure on enterprises rises as a result. Almost globally interconnected markets for goods, capital, labour and information emerge, creating new challenges but also potential risks.The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at the University of Duisburg-Essen analyses topical issues from the perspective of economics, business administration, information systems and computer science. The focus is on the structures and processes, information and communication systems of enterprises. Sectors of particular interest include energy, health, retail and services, logistics, the automotive industry, IT companies as well as auditing, tax advisory and consulting.
A combination of various disciplines is central to describing the interplay between advances in information technologies and the development of organisations and markets. The integration of economics, business administration, information systems and computer science in the faculty is unique and clearly a competitive advantage over other universities. Accordingly, research and teaching at the faculty are interdisciplinary. Research on healthcare, for example, is conducted from a business administration perspective by the Chair of Health Care Management (Prof. Jürgen Wasem) and from an economics perspective by the Chair of Health Care Economics (Prof. Stefan Felder). In computer science, Prof. Klaus Echtle (Dependability of Computing Systems) and Prof. Albrecht Schmidt (Pervasive Computing) and their respective research groups work on IT developments in the healthcare sector, such as the new German electronic health insurance card. Four other research topics illustrate the scope of research within the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and are described in more detail below.