
The KWI has reoriented itself in various networks. In the region, these include the Folkwang Museum and the Folkwang University of Fine Arts, the Käte Hamburger Kolleg in Duisburg, the Forum Kreuzeskirche and the working group “Man and Animal in the Ruhr Area”, an association of museums. The special exhibition “Mensch und Tier im Revier” was opened at the Ruhr Museum in 2019 and, due to great interest, extended until 2 June 2020. In addition to these collaborative partnerships, the KWI is involved in exchange with the Institutes for Advanced Study in Freiburg (FRIAS) as well as in Bielefeld and Delmenhorst (ZiF and Hanse-Kolleg). Working and exchange relationships with institutes in Vienna and Nantes are in preparation.

In “Academy in Exile”, a joint project of the Forum Transregionale Studien (Berlin), the Institute for Turkish Studies of the UDE and the KWI, funded by, among others, the Volkswagen Foundation, the KWI provides positions for up to eight short- and long-term fellows from countries such as Turkey, Afghanistan and Hungary and who are no longer able to conduct research in their home countries due to political persecution.