Mercator School of Management
The increasingly international and successful research performance of the MSM was reflected in 2014 in the rise in the number of publications in international A+/A journals. The DFG is funding two projects initiated and led by Prof. Alf Kimms, “Revenue Management for Companies in Strategic Alliances” and “Cooperative Travelling Salesman Problems in Rolling Wave Planning”. Junior Professor Marie Paul is contributing to the DFG Priority Programme 1764 “The German Labor Market in a Globalized World” with a subproject entitled “Female Employment Patterns, Fertility, Labor Market Reforms, and Social Norms: A Dynamic Treatment Approach”. The MSM is also represented in the DFG Research Training Group 1613 “Risk & East Asia” by Prof. Werner Pascha and Prof. Markus Taube.
The research work of the MSM was also supported by approximately 20 further externally funded projects in 2014. These include the BMBF-funded projects “CrowdStrom – Crowdsourcing Charging Service Provided by Private Persons as an Innovative Business Model” (Prof. Margret Borchert) and “DEAL – Service Innovations and Electromobility – the Automotive Trade as a Full-Service Provider” (Prof. Gertrud Schmitz, Prof. Margret Borchert). BMBF funding is also the basis of the “IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies”, which is led by Prof. Markus Taube. Jun. Prof. Marc Eulerich is meanwhile working on a project on “The Role of Foundation-Affiliated Companies in the German Economy” with funds from the Hans Böckler Foundation.
Two conferences held at the UDE in 2014 deserve particular mention in relation to knowledge transfer: the 18th Bank Symposium “Double Trouble – Low Interest Rates and Regulation” on 8/9 September 2014 and the “ecfs Sales Conference: The Challenge of Sales under Earnings Pressure and Regulation” on 26 May 2014 were two particularly successful conferences organised by the Accounting and Finance department. The “small business management (sbm)” project headed by Prof. Volker Breithecker meanwhile continues to provide courses on company start-ups and succession and is now in its fifteenth year.