paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology
Collaboration and International News
paluno collaborates with numerous national and international research institutes and industrial research centres on many research projects, including:
- Advert (German Research Foundation (DFG), Concepts, Methods and Tools for Architecture- and Quality-centric Evolution of Long-living Software Systems, total funding volume approx. 259,000 euros)
- AUTEM (German Research Foundation (DFG), Automatic Recognition of Semantic Inconsistencies in Business Process Models, total funding volume approx. 340,000 euros.)
- BESOS (EU FP7, Collaborative Project, Building Energy Decision Support Systems for Smart Cities, total funding volume approx. 2.9 million euros)
- Bildungsgerechtigkeit im Fokus Subproject 1.2 (Federal Ministry of Education and Research, (BMBF), total funding volume approx. 1.4 million euros)
- ClouDAT (Ziel2.NRW/EU Project, Development of an open-source tool for the documentation and security evaluation of cloud-computing systems, total funding volume 865,000 euros)
- CloudWave (EU FP7 Integrated Project, Agile Service Engineering for the Future Internet, total funding volume approx. 6.3 million euros)
- CONET (EU FP7, Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence, total funding volume 4 million euros)
- EC-SAFEMOBIL (EU FP7, Integrated and Collaborative Project, Estimation and Control for Safe Wireless High Mobility Cooperative Industrial Systems, total funding volume approx. 4.5 million euros)
- FInest (EU FP7 Integrated Project, The Future of Logistics, total funding volume approx. 4.9 million euros)
- FIspace (EU FP7 Integrated Project, Future Internet Business Collaboration Networks in Agri-Food, Transport and Logistics, total funding volume approx. 13.5 million euros)
- FI-WARE (EU FP7 Public-Private-Partnership, Future Internet Core Platform, total funding volume approx. 40 million euros)
- GAMBAS (EU FP7, Collaborative Project, Generic Adaptive Middleware for Behavior-driven Autonomous Services, total funding volume approx. 2.2 million euros)
- GenEDA (German Research Foundation (DFG), Generation and evaluation of design alternatives for software architectures, total funding volume approx. 356,000 euros)
- iObserve (German Research Foundation, (DFG), Integrated Observation and Modeling Techniques to Support Adaptation and Evolution of Software Systems, total funding volume approx. 700,000 euros)
- KOPI (German Research Foundation (DFG), Consistency Checking of Product Line Models, total funding volume 280,000 euros)
- Living++ (BMBF, ZIM, funding amount of the UDE 172,000 euros)
- LoFIP (HighTech NRW, Logistic Future-Internet Platform, total funding volume approx.6.5 million euros)
- NESSoS (EU FP7, Network of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future Internet Software Services and Systems, ICT-2009.1.4 Trustworthy, total funding volume 3.8 million euros)
- NOBEL (EU FP7, Collaborative Project, Neighbourhood Oriented Brokerage ELectricity and monitoring system, total funding volume 1.9 million euros)
- OPTET (EU FP7 Collaborative Project, OPerational Trustworthiness Enabling Technologies, total funding volume 7.1 million euros)
- PLANET (EU FP7, Integrated and Collaborative Project, PLAtform for the Deployment and Operation of Heterogenous NETworked Cooperating Objects, total funding volume 4.9 million euros)
- RWE (Industry Cooperation, Productivity Increase at RWE Supply & Trading, total funding volume 200,000 euros)
- S-Cube (EU FP7 Network of Excellence, Software Services and Systems Network, total funding volume approx. 8.5 million euros)
- SMART-ACTION (EU FP7, Collaborative Project, Coordination action for Smart Cities, total funding volume 750,000 euros)
- SmartKye (EU FP7, Collaborative Project, Smart Grid Key Neighborhood Indicator Cockpit, total funding volume approx. 2 million euros)
- SPES XTCore (BMBF Joint Research Project, Software Platform Embedded Systems 2020 XTCore, total funding volume 15 million euros)
- WebDA (BMBF, ZIM, Web-based Services for Elderly People and their Families, funding amount of the UDE approx. 205,000 euros)
International recognition of paluno is reflected among other things in its role in the scientific management and organization of internationally respected conferences, such as:
- ASE 2012 (27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 3–7 September 2012 in Essen, Germany)
- EWSN 2012 (9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, 15–17 February 2012 in Trento, Italy)
- ICSE (35th International Conference on Software Engineering, 18–26 May 2013 in San Francisco, USA)
- PerCom (IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication, 19-23 March 2012 in Lugano, Switzerland)
- REFSQ 2012 (18th International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, 19–22 March 2012 in Essen, Germany)
- REFSQ 2013 (19th International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, 8–11 April 2013 in Essen, Germany)
- REFSQ 2014 (20th International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, 7–10 April 2014 in Essen, Germany)
- SenSys 2013 (11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, 11–13 November 2013, in Rome, Italy)
- Software Composition 2012 (International Conference on Software Composition 2012, 31 May – 1 June 2012 in Prague, Czech Republic