The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen is made up of four closely integrated departments, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science, and Mechanical and Process Engineering. To ensure focused research despite the remarkable breadth of topics covered at the Faculty, the research activities of these departments are consolidated into four interdisciplinary research profiles: Tailored Materials, Human-Centred Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Engineering, and Energy and Resource Engineering (https://www.uni-due.de/iw/de/forschung/psp.php). They are closely related to seven teaching units, in which the Faculty provides instruction at the highest level: our numerous internationally oriented bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes are currently host to around 10,800 young people from more than 110 countries. This large student body, combined with 92 professorships in 73 institutes and chairs, make the UDE's Faculty of Engineering one of the largest of its kind in Germany.