2010 was very much the year of the Department of Romance Studies: the French philology conference was held on the Essen Campus and included just under thirty sections and around 500 delegates. It was organised by Professor Cerstin Bauer-Funke. Her present research areas include the French literature of the Enlightenment and contemporary Spanish theatre in international cooperation. In one special focus of research, Professor Helmut C. Jacobs looks at the interrelation between literature and music, with the master of the classical accordion heading the “El fandango en la época de Goya” project funded by the Fundación Goya en Aragón. Another project comprises editing, translation and analysis of contemporary commentary on Goya’s Caprichos and is funded by the DFG.
“Urban Communication, Popular Culture and Language in contemporary Spain” is one of the research interests of Professor Alf Monjour. Further indications of the diversity in the Department of Romance Studies include research into the didactics of multilingualism and intercomprehension (Professor Isabelle Mordellet-Roggenbuck) and a study on culture and foreign policy relating to France’s self-image and its role in the world (Professor Volker Steinkamp). Professor Dietmar Osthus is known not only for his contribution to the development of the AILA Research Network Folk linguistics, but also as publisher of the international Linguistics journal metaphorik.de.