Professor Aaron Schart (Protestant Theology) from Essen and Professor Jutta Krispenz from the Philipps University Marburg organised an international research symposium with the title “The City in the Book of the Twelve Prophets” in Essen in 2010. The symposium was a theological contribution to the European Capital of Culture. Schart was additionally elected Chair of the “Book of the Twelve Prophets” program unit at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. The annual meeting of the SBL attracts well over 5,000 participants and is by far the largest convention of bible scholars worldwide.
The research project of Professor Thorsten Knauth on “Interreligious Education in Heterogeneous Contexts” explores how religious education responds to the challenge of religious and cultural variety, social differences and gender-specific distinctions on a regional, national and international level. His research findings were presented at international conferences in Ottawa (Canada), Tartu (Estonia), Brussels (Belgium) and Hamburg (Germany). The interdisciplinary and international lecture series “Tolerance – Religion – Education. Perspectives of a Religious Pedagogy of Diversity” was held in the same context during the summer term. Professor Hubertus Lutterbach (Catholic Theology) published his study entitled “Children and Christianity. Cultural-Historic Perspectives of the Protection, Education and Participation of Children from Antiquity to the Present” in 2010, which marked the highly productive outcome of the Department’s research focus on “History of Christianity and Culture”.