Faculty of Mathematics
After the radical personnel change in the Faculty of Mathematics at the beginning of this decade, the outlines of the new research emphases are now clearly visible. In each of the four larger thematic branches (analysis/numerical analysis/optimization, algebraic geometry and arithmetic, stochastics, and didactics), which provide the rough subdivision of our Faculty and according to which its members are arranged in the Mathematics Carrée, diverse research projects with national and international visibility can be found. This includes numerous participations in coordinated programs of the DFG such as Transregio Collaborative Research Centres, research training groups and priority programs.
Some of these projects have an interdisciplinary character by taking up, for example, problems from the engineering or natural sciences and treating them with mathematical methods. For other research endeavours, references remain inside mathematics where they may also give rise to completely unexpected connections and application areas. The establishment of the numerous newly organized research groups which has been successfully completed in the meantime allows us to resume the former high level in terms of the amount of third-party funded projects too.
In order to support young researchers in an early phase of their career with the realization of individual research projects, we set up a Postdoc Prize which is awarded once a year. The first prizeholders, sharing the prize money of
EUR 10 000 for the year 2016, are Dr. Christina Krause from didactics (AG Büchter) and Dr. Wolfgang Löhr from stochastics (AG Winter).