Selected Publications
Becker, F., E. Reinhardt-Becker (Hrsg.) (2019): Liebesgeschichte(n). Identität und Diversität vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt am Main.
Buchenau, B., E. Furlanetto (2019): Nation and Empire in Northern Atlantic History. Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History, Ed. Trevor Burnard. New York: Oxford UP. doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780199730414-031.
Heberer, T. G. Schubert (2019): Weapons of the Rich: Strategic Behavior and Collective Action of Private Entrepreneurs in China. Modern China 45 (5), 471–503.
Henkes, J., M. Hugendubel, C. Meyn, C. Schmidt (Hrsg.) (2019): Ordnung(en) der Arbeit, Münster.
Heins, V., C. Unrau, K. Avram (2018): Gift-giving and reciprocity in global society: Introducing Marcel Mauss in international studies. Journal of International Political Theory 14 (2), 126–144.
Jansen, A. (2018): Work–retirement cultures: a further piece of the puzzle to explain differences in the labour market participation of older people in Europe? Ageing & Society 38(8), 1527–1555.
Marx, P., C. Nguyen (2018): Anti-Elite Parties and Political Inequality: How Challenges to the Political Mainstream Reduce Income Gaps in Internal Efficacy. European Journal of Political Research, 57(4), 919–940.
Meinel, D., E. Furlanetto (eds.) (2018): A Poetics of Neurosis. Narratives of Normalcy and Disorder in Cultural and Literary Texts. Bielefeld.
Niederberger, A. (2019): Gibt es gute Gründe, das Recht auf Emigration einzuschränken? Zur normativen Herausforderung des Brain-Drain. In: S. Dietz, H. Foth, S. Wiertz (Hrsg.): Die Freiheit zu gehen: Ausstiegsoptionen in sozialen, politischen und existenziellen Kontexten, Wiesbaden, 45–77.
Scheel, S. (2019): Autonomy of Migration? Appropriating Mobility within Biometric Border Regimes, Basingstoke and New York.
Schmiel, U. (2019): Corporate social responsibility: A Fake Already According to the Theory of the Firm? management revue – Socio-Economic Studies (mrev) 30 (2/3). 154–172. doi:10.5771/0935-9915-2019-2/3-154.
Wagner, I., K. Shire (2019): Labour Subcontracting in Cross-Border Labour Markets: A Comparison of Rule Evasion in Germany and Japan. In: N. Lillie, J. Arnholz (eds.): Posted Work in the European Union: The Political Economy of Free Movement, London, 185–203.