In the future, we want to use the potential of research and technology transfer in a more targeted way – at the regional, national and international level. There are already many excellent ideas for start-ups at the UDE. This number is set to continually increase, and they are set to receive increased support, especially since the UDE was successful with its GUIDE REGIO application for funding from the EXIST-Potentiale programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics. The jury for the “Regional Networking” area praised the concept and approved the project, which will start in 2020. In 2019, the central start-up centre GUIDE (Start-ups and Innopreneurship of the University of Duisburg-Essen) was established, which combines all the competences and areas of responsibility for company-formation at the UDE. One special focus of GUIDE is to provide regional stimulus and combine joint knowledge production with the formation of a cross-university network.
On the following pages you can read in detail how outstanding, interesting and versatile the research at the UDE was last year, as well as how future-oriented it is.
"What we do today determines what the world will look like tomorrow."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach,
Aphorisms, Parables, Fairy Tales and Poems
(= Collected Writings, Volume 1, Berlin 1893)
I hope you find the report both interesting and stimulating.