Selected Publications

  • Bhalotra, S., M. Karlsson, T. Nilsson (2017): Infant Health and Longevity: Evidence from A Historical Intervention in Sweden, Journal of the European Economic Association 15 (5), 1101–1157,
  • Avdic, D., P. Johansson (2016): Absenteeism, Gender and The Morbidity-Mortality Paradox. Journal of Applied Econometrics, DOI: 10.1002/jae.2516.
  • Avdic, D. (2016): Improving Efficiency or Impairing Access? Health Care Consolidation and Quality of Care: Evidence from Emergency Hospital Closures in Sweden. Journal of Health Economics, 48, 44–60.
  • Brosig-Koch, J., H. Hennig-Schmidt, N. Kairies-Schwarz, D. Wiesen (2016): Using artefactual field and lab experiments to investigate the effect of fee-for-service and capitation on medical service provision. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 131 (B), 17–23. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2015.04.011 Details.
  • Kairies-Schwarz, N., J. Kokot, M. Vomhof, J. Weßling (2017): Health Insurance Choice and Risk Preferences under Cumulative Prospect Theory – An Experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 137, 374–397.
  • Brosig-Koch, J., Kairies-Schwarz, N., J. Kokot(2017): Sorting into Physician Payment Schemes: A Laboratory Experiment. Health Economics, 26(S3), 52–65.
  • Buchner, F., J. Wasem, S. Schillo (2017): Regression trees identify relevant interactions: Can this improve the predictive performance of risk adjustment? Health Economics 26 (1), 74–85. DOI: 10.1002/hec.3277.
  • Han, J., Kairies-Schwarz, N., M. Vomhof (2017). Quality Competition and Hospital Mergers – An Experimental. Health Economics, 26(S3), 36-51.
  • Fischer, K.E., T. Koch, K. Kostev, T. Stargardt (2018): The impact of physician-level drug budgets on prescribing behavior, The European Journal of Health Economics, 19(2), 213–222. DOI: 10.1007/s10198-017-0875-9
  • Fischbacher, U., N. Kairies-Schwarz, U. Stefani (2017): Non-Additivity and the Salience of Marginal Productivities: Experimental Evidence on Distributive Fairness. Economica 84(336), 587–610