Teaching and Early Career Support
Interdisciplinary collaboration is also an important part of teaching and training young scientists at the ZMB. The concentration of leading biomedical research expertise at the ZMB makes it the ideal location for excellent early career training and support. In the research-based Medical Biology degree programme established by the ZMB and conducted jointly by the Faculties of Biology and Medicine, and in the newly developed Molecular Biology programme, students have the opportunity to become involved in current scientific issues from an early stage of their education.
PhD students at the ZMB benefit significantly from well-established efforts to promote and support young scientists and from the structured (inter)national doctoral training. Coordinated by the BIOME graduate school (headed by Prof. Ulf Dittmer and coordinated by Delia Cosgrove), doctoral training builds on the graduate training groups RTG 1739/1 (coordinator Verena Jendrossek), RTG 1949 (launched in 2014; coordinated by Astrid Westendorf) and RTG 2098 (coordinator Erich Gulbins) and is organised in priority programmes (cores) that are coordinated by members of the Faculties of Biology and Medicine. Connections in graduate training additionally exist with the MPI for Molecular Physiology in Dortmund through involvement of ZMB members in the International Max Planck Research School in Chemical and Molecular Biology (IMPRS-CMB), and at international level through involvement in the ITNs InCeM (European network for cell migration studies) and RADIATE (Radiation Innovations for Therapy and Education).