
Selection of currently funded coordinated projects

The many instances of cooperation within CENIDE and with national and international partners from science and industry are a constant source of scientific publications, new patents and creative ideas. The projects presented here are just a small selection of the research activities underway at CENIDE.

Dynamic Processes in Solid-State Bodies

  • SPP 1391: Ultrafast Nanooptics (since 2009)
  • FOR 1700: Time-resolved spectroscopy of photoinduced transitions and electronic excitations in quasi-1D metal wires on semiconductors (since 2013)

Gas-Phase Synthesis

  • Coordination of EU project BUONAPART-E: Better Upscaling and Optimization of Nanoparticle and Nanostructure Production by Means of Electrical Discharges (2012–2016)
  • FOR 2284: Model-based scalable gas-phase synthesis of complex nanoparticles (since 2015)


  • Three projects as part of SPP 1538: Spin Caloric Transport (since 2011)
  • Four projects as part of SPP 1599: Caloric Effects in Ferroic Materials: New Concepts for Cooling (since 2012)


  • SFB 1093: Supramolecular Chemistry on Proteins (since 2014)
  • Coordination of SPP 1313: Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles (2008–2015)

Nano Energy Technology

  • Three projects as part of SPP 1386: Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials (since 2009)
  • BMBF project INNOKAT: Integration and application of ligand-free and controlled ligand-functionalized nanoparticles in catalysis (2013–2017)


  • BMBF project nanoGRAVUR – Nanostructured Materials: Grouping of nanostructured materials for protection of workers, consumers, the environment and risk minimisation (2015–2018) 
  • DFG Core Facility ICAN: Interdisciplinary Center for Analytics on the Nanoscale (2014–2017)