Biomedical Science


The ZMB is striving to further strengthen the internationally competitive position of Biomedical Sciences at the UDE by combining expertise and fostering key competencies in research. Against this background, advancing the visibility of the ZMB as an integrative nationally and internationally competitive research institution is one of its key goals. 

The established network of scientists from Biology, Chemistry and Medicine is planned to be further strengthened by joint professorships in Biology and Chemistry and by raising funds for interdisciplinary research projects.

The continuous advancement of the core facilities with state-of-the-art equipment and appointments is key to maintaining and advancing the institute’s competitive position.

Additional impetus for the development of the ZMB is expected from the establishment of junior research groups.

Expanding the established and successful collaboration with the Max-Planck Institutes in Dortmund and Mülheim to other institutes of the University Alliance Ruhr (UAR) and other biomedical research institutions in the region is seen as an opportunity to build a centre of excellence for life sciences in the Ruhr region.