Biomedical Science
Research into fundamental mechanisms of human diseases is at the core of the main research area of “Biomedical Sciences”, with a focus on oncology, immunology, infection and transplantation. The application of mechanistic and chemical cell biology is directed at generating a deep understanding of pathological processes based on high resolution analysis. Insights obtained through interdisciplinary approaches are expected to contribute to a better understanding of the causes of widespread human diseases, improve their diagnosis, and deliver new therapeutic options.
The Centre for Medical Biotechnology (ZMB) provides the framework for Biomedical Sciences research at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) and connects basic research in the natural sciences with application-oriented medical research at University Hospital Essen (UK Essen).
The ZMB is complemented by the Erwin L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (ELH, see page 164), a joint institution of the UDE and Radboud University Nijmegen.