Educational Sciences
The focus of research at the Institute in 2010 was on empirical evaluation studies of open all-day schools and evaluation projects relating to the prevention of physical inactivity and obesity in conjunction with a network of community authorities, schools and sport clubs (“Healthy Children in Healthy Communities”), “Social Structural Disparities in Childhood”, and sport development strategies in urban conurbations. Professor Roland Naul was keynote speaker at the following conferences:
- Global Forum of Physical Education Pedagogy 2010 (University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Rapids), 12–14 May 2010: “Community-based multi-sector strategies in the EU to enhance health-related physical education and physical activities for children and youth”.
- “EIM – Multi-Factor Strategies for the Promotion of Health-Enhanced Physical Activities for Children and Youth in Local Communities of the European Union” Symposium during the 1st World Congress “Exercise is Medicine” of the American College of Sport Medicine, Baltimore/ Maryland, 2–5 June 2010.
Professor Werner Schmidt was keynote speaker at the 5th International Ball Games Symposium (Karlsruhe), the 2nd Zurich Sports Games Congress, and the Sports Minister Conference (Warnemünde 2009).