Educational Sciences
The highlights of 2008 presented by the institute relate to the work of the Department of Business Education / Further Education and Training.
The successful externally funded research of recent years continued at the Department of Business Education. The question of implementation, execution and evaluation of educational processes (vocational education and further training) in diverse institutional contexts is addressed in all the research projects. In vocational education policy and research, providing scientific consultation for the “Learning Regions federal programme, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and German Aerospace Center (DLR), is one area of particular interest. Further externally funded research projects include:
Lifelong learning in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) (BMBF / DLR), Educational work in the temping industry (BMBF / DLR), Scientific consultation for the Trier “Learning Region (BMBF / DLR), International Performance Measurement in the internationalisation of SME for logistics-service providers (BMBF / DLR), Scientific consultation on the federal “Learning Regions programme for the “Further Education in SME thematic network (BMBF / DLR), Development of regional indicator models for regional transitional research (City of Dortmund / DGB / DLR), Teacher assessment over the life course (German Research Foundation, DFG), ELVIRE (E-Learning with Virtual Industrial system for Reducing Energy consumption and Environment pollution) (EU).
Research collaborations exist with the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) and many universities at national and international level.
In December 2007, Rolf Dobischat was re-elected as the honorary president of the German Student Union (DSW) in Berlin (until December 2009).