National and International Collaboration
During its research activities IN-EAST makes use of its contacts to the leading European institutes for contemporary East Asian studies organized in the joint research initiative EastAsiaNet (www.eastasianet.eu). The members of EastAsiaNet are:
- Barcelona/Madrid: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen Business School
- Duisburg: Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) of the University of Duisburg-Essen
- Lyon: Institut dAsie Orientale, Institut d´Études Transtexturelles et Transculturelles, Lyon
- Lund: Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies, Lund University
- Leeds/Sheffield: White Rose East Asia Centre (Centre between the Departments of East Asian Studies at the Universities of Leeds and Sheffield)
- Aveiro/Portuguese Institute of Sinology: Centre for Languages and Cultures, University of Aveiro, with the Inter-University Network on Chinese Studies
- Venice: Department of East Asian Studies, Ca-Foscari University of Venice.