Educational Sciences
The institute occupied a leading position (rank 4) in the CHE ranking of 67 sports institutes and first place for publications. It also won the national call for proposals/expertise (DJI/13. Kinder- und Jugendbericht) on sporting activities among young people.
Research at the Institute of Sports Science and Kinesiology centres on empirical evaluation studies of open all-day schools in NRW (Professor Naul) and intervention studies on strengthening the self-concept of socially disadvantaged children in sports (“Mädchen Mittendrin”, “Sport Interkulturell” and “Soziale Chancen im Sport”, Professor Schmidt). At the same time, models for training multipliers in early childhood physical education (“Essener Basismodul”) and primary school (“Vielseitiges Kindertraining”) were also developed and tested. The institute has also been commissioned to edit the third report on child and youth sport.