Awards and Distinctions
Scientists from our Faculty regularly receive national and international distinctions and acclaim for their work. Just some of their accolades over the last two years are presented here. In 2013, Analytical Chemistry in particular was recognised by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh, German Chemical Society) for its achievements. Prof. Oliver Schmitz was awarded the first Gerhard Hesse Prize of the GDCh Working Group for Separation Science, and Prof. Torsten Schmidt the Fresenius Prize of the GDCh. Jakob Haun received the Eberhard Gerstel Prize 2014, and Thorsten Hüffer the Paul Crutzen Prize 2014, each for an outstanding scientific publication in the fields of separation technology and environmental chemistry. Carolin Hülsmann and Holger Tröger each won a poster prize at the International Conference on Chemical Education in Toronto in 2014. Dr. Oliver Tepner accepted a call to a W2 professorship for Chemistry Didactics at the University of Regensburg at the end of 2012, and Dr. Markus Emden took up a Junior Professorship for Natural Science Didactics at PH Schwäbisch Gmünd in 2014. For his work on laser-generated nickel-based nanoparticles as a potential replacement for the platinum used in heterogeneous catalysts to date, Dr. Philipp Wagener (leader of the Technical Chemistry junior research group) was awarded a Max Buchner Prize endowed with 10,000 euros from DECHEMA in 2013. For her master’s dissertation on wound adhesives embedded with zinc and iron nanoparticles to improve wound healing, Nina Million of the Technical Chemistry department was awarded the German Society for Biomaterials (DGBM) prize for the best final dissertation in 2013. Her colleague from Technical Chemistry, Marcus Lau, received the “Outstanding Student Paper Award (Oral)” in 2014 at the 15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, Vilnius, Lithuania, for his work on laser sintering zinc crystals with gold nanoparticles into hybrid structures.