Selected Currently Funded Coordinated Projects:
- SFB (Collaborative Research Centre) 445 “Nanoparticles from the Gas Phase” (1999– 2010)
- SFB 491 “Magnetic Heterolayers” (2000–2011, in cooperation with the Ruhr University Bochum)
- SFB 616 “Energy Dissipation at Surfaces” (2002–2013)
- GRK (Research Training Group) 1240 “Nanotronics” (2006–2011)
- SPP 1313 “Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles” (2007–2012)
- “NanoEnergieTechnikZentrum, NETZ” (2009–2012)
- “Semiconducting Nanowires for Photovoltaic Cells and LEDs” (2009–2012)
- “Center for Filtration Research and Functionalized Surfaces” (2009–2012)
- EU collaborative project “Coupling of single quantum dots to two-dimensional systems, QD2D” (2009–2012)
- BMBF collaborative project: “NANO-III-V-PIN’s: Wachstum und integrale Eigenschaften koaxialer Nanodrahtsolarzellen” (Growth and Integral Characteristics of Coaxial Nanowire Photovoltaic Cells) (2011–2014).